Memorable Moroccan Meals


A Most Memorable Recipe

I leave you with the recipe for Creme d’Amande, which the chef of Dar Ahlam, Mohamed El Mantouh, dictated to me in French. Have fun watching the above video and testing your French! Bon Appetit!

Delectible desert, Creme d’Amandes

Creme d’Amandes Dar Ahlam Serves 4

  • 250 ml of milk (about 1 cup)
  • 250 ml of cream (about 1 cup)
  • 120g sugar (about 1/2 cup)
  • 120g egg yolks (4)
  • 1 soup spoon of almond syrup
A large fresh orange hanging in a tree with diffused light coming through the green leaves


Heat the milk and cream. Whip the sugar and yolks. Then combine the milk, cream, sugar,yolks and almond syrup into a pan and cook over a double boiler for about 2-3 minutes just until the sugar is dissolved — a la creme Anglais. Pour into a baking dish or individual ramekins and
then let sit for one hour.

Bake in a 90 c (about 200f) oven for 40 minutes.

Remove from oven and arrange oranges supreme to resemble a flower and almonds around edge in a decorative fashion.